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Author: sebas17

“No Name Woman” Feminist Analysis

The title is important in telling us about the power and status of woman in Chinese and Chinese-American society because of how it informs us of how chinese woman are viewed in their societies. The title No name woman clearly tell us that most chinese woman have no representation what so ever in their societies, and that are just used as objects. In the story the fact that her grandmother dosen’t have a name cleary tell us that she has no representation, which means that she has no power, and no position in her society. The story clearly tell us that chinesse woman are used as objects, and that men have all the power in all types of relationships between men and woman. It tells us of how men rule these societies and have all power over this woman because of how they follow this tradition that they held on. The narator tells us of how the tradition that is held by their society is passed on toward the next generation affecting the young girls . This story connects to my own world of how in many cultures tradition is very important. I can also connect this story to my own worls is of how in many cultures this tradition many times favors men over woman that creats an enequalities between them. Many of the themes in the story that  are universal are the themses of enequality and the rule of power. This is something that still happens in todays society is the eneqalities that woman and men have, and how men still have more power over woman. These are examples of how many of the themes presented in the story that still afect todays world.

Psychoanalystical Theory Analysis in the Catcher in the Rye

The main psychological issues that the book the Catcher in the Rye explores are the main concepts of Id, Ego, and Super ego.  The way that this book explores this psycological issues are through the main character Holden Caulfield. The character Holden Caulfield all throuhout the book has many situations where the concepts of Id,Ego, and Super ego appear. For example, the character Holden tries to call different people at a very late time, but then retracts every time because he realizes that is a stupid idea. This example clearly shows the concepts of Id, in how his desire to call many people at a very late time is countered by his Super ego, making himself recognize that what he was doing can lead him and the preson he is calling into trouble. Another example that intruduces these concepts of Id, Ego, and Super ego is when the character Holden decides to go inside  a club where there his Id kicks in and he decides to ask three older woman out to dance. In this example his Id, desire wins over his ego, and decides to go inside a bar, and ask three older woman to dance without taking into consideration, that he is under age, and that it can cause him into running into unaccessary trouble. The concepts of Id, Ego, and Super ego are presented all throughout the book that hepls the reader understand the character in a more in depth level, that helps the reader understand the reasons behind the characters avtions. Another concept that so far in the book has been presented itself, but not in a clear perspective is the concept of  the unconsious. The main character Heldon talks about his memories as different situations present themselves. He talks about his memories which give the reader the insight that its memories that will connect as the story continues. He also talks a lot about how he had to leave New York and come to Hollywood with his brother to control himself. This unconsious thoughts that the character hints to the reader about makes the reader predict that those memories will eventually come up. In the book the Catcher in the Rye this different types of psychological theorys present themselves to help the reader with the knowledge of this concepts to deeper understand the book, and the characters.

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